Sometimes it is okay to cheat….

Florence Ofori
4 min readApr 2, 2018

Haha, sounds absurd right? I thought as much too. It is never okay to cheat on your partner. It demoralizes, its frustrates, it destroys, it tears people apart! I know I am not the only one who thinks as such, especially those who have been cheated on and left with nothing but a memory of betrayal. However, the truth is people cheat. Even people with perfect partners who provide them with ‘everything’ in every way possible, who keep the ‘love fire’ ablaze in the relationship; they still cheat.

Well why do they cheat? I sincerely do not have an answer to that. It’s mind boggling. I asked Google Search about it, but her answers did not satisfy me, based on some of the stories i read in an article on They were 25 stories from 25 different women in all. I was glued to my screen as i read this article, regardless of how long it was.

On this news web page, there were stories of ladies in Ghana whose identities were held for confidential reasons. These ladies told compelling stories of themselves cheating on their partners. None were remorseful. Most said they would continue with their acts of infidelity and send this secret of theirs to the grave. One was a homosexual who was cheating on her husband with her same-sex partner. According to her, she married him because it was the norm of her family and society to get married to a decent man and have children, but her lesbian partner understood her and was okay with that.

There were several others: cheating for financial security, cheating for sexual pleasure, cheating because of little attention from her husband, cheating because ‘she is a player and she knows what’s up.’ Some did it to get back at their partners — for them, ‘its a tit-for-tat’ — they were paying their partners for cheating on them; other women did not know how they got into the game of cheating.

Some situations, I understood. This is because those women were abused; not physically but emotionally. A man who decides to treat his wife as inanimate because she gained some pounds after nurturing his kids in her body should not shudder when his wife accepts the embrace and love of another man. She is human after all, and she also needs to feel appreciated by her partner. I believe the best way to get your wife back in shape is to do the hard stuff with her: wake her up at 5am and go jogging with her. Get on a diet with her, show her that you are in this with her.

But this one i am about to tell you, it shocked me and still does. I know the story perfectly, because a close one of mine one experienced it. I will not mention her name, but i will tell you about it:

She was enthused by the picture he always painted in her mind: he constantly told her how much he loved his girlfriend. He told her of times they spent seated together, having the chat of a lifetime. He said that sometimes they did not even have to talk; the smile they saw in each other’s eyes was enough information to feed on. He ranted about it until she believed that he and his partner’s love was the ideal love, ‘odo papa bi’, she mused and continued with a chuckle. Well if his love was perfect, why did he touch her in those ways? Why did he kiss her cheeks when no one was around to see them? Why did he come to her room and do unspeakable things with her on the bed? Didn’t he think about his partner and how hurt she would be if she discovered this? She asked him about it, she told him to stop, and most important of all, she told him that she had a partner herself whom she loved as well, just like how he loved his. And this is what he said: ‘Do you think he does not cheat on you too?’ Wow! That was what he had to say? Unbelievable! She thought and pondered on these questions for days. She sold her sleep for time to meditate on this. Then at last, she understood: ‘perfect love is cheating-love.’
A lover, she realized, no matter how much love he confesses for you, could always be a potential cheating partner.



Florence Ofori

Optimist 💥|| Creative || Software Developer || Data Scientist